Overcoming The Power of Criticism

October 14, 2010

Overcoming the Power of Criticism – by Gina Parris “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” –childhood chant Will was in his second year pitching at a famous Division-1 University. Long gone were the days when baseball was “fun,” but this particular day took his breath away. His coach […]

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Fearless Goal-Setting

September 17, 2010

Fearless Goal Setting Have you ever set a goal and immediately given up it because it seemed too big for you, too grand, or too impossible? Some goals don't inspire our necessary action because they are too daunting. Others are too boring. How do we set a goal in the first place? How do we […]

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Going Fearless – Enlarging Your Self-Image

September 9, 2010

Enlarging Your Self-Image   "It's impossible to consistently act in a way that is inconsistent with the way you see your self." -Zig Ziglar What is your self-image and how can you change it? Learning this is a big key to Going Fearless and achieving your goals. Zig Ziglar tells the story of visiting a […]

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Going Fearless – Becoming Who You Are

September 2, 2010

So where do fear and confidence come from -and how do we become
fearless? It starts by understanding this -Your beliefs (whether fearful or loving) are based on your experiences up till now

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Going Fearless -Where to start

August 19, 2010

What if you could overcome your fear and move powerfully towards your hearts desire? What would you be, do and have then? You would quite possibly have no limits!
Most people in the world today are riddled with some kind of fear.

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