WIN your game & LOVE your Life!
Hi I’m Gina Parris & if you love to win and hate to lose- at anything, then I totally get you. You have what I call the “competitive soul,” and I believe that’s part of what makes you awesome.
It’s been my life’s work to help people just like you (and the great folks who live with you) to reach your God-given potential. Together we turn your stress into strength. My clients include top athletes & coaches as well as parents & entrepreneurs.
I know what it’s like to have your competitive spirit get the best of you. Throughout the years, while finding great success in some areas, I had to struggle with and overcome deep shame and failure in others. I developed an eating disorder as a young lady, heart-wrenching marriage problems later, and paralyzing fears in my own business. Sheesh! I was supposed to be an expert in human performance all that time!
On the bright side, my healing & training in each of those areas is so profound, that it’s rare for me to be stumped (or judgmental) with anything my clients bring my way. Also, seeing thousands of people prosper because of my struggles makes it worth it all.
It’s totally normal to have some areas of your life that kick your butt. It’s also exciting to see you use your strengths to flip the switch on your challenges. Then you understand why the Bible says, “I will glory all the more in my weaknesses…”
Today, I really do live the life of my dreams and my health, marriage & business are all better than ever. When we say to WIN your game and LOVE your life, it means both at work and at home.

The Parris family- groaning at me for setting up the tripod and forcing the moment. We do laugh a lot though.
Sometimes your work intersects your home like when your own son decides to “hire” your as his performance coach and improves enough to make the MLB draft.
If you’re still reading and want the official bio, then here it is:
End Anxiety. Build Your Faith. Reach Your Potential.
Founder & Speaker at Built to Win Coaching, Gina Parris, is internationally sought-after for her insights on ending performance anxiety and stress. She has encouraged tens of thousands of people through radio and television appearances as well as live events and private coaching. She works with individuals, couples, and organizations to reach their full potential, joyfully.
Gina has been a motivator in the field of personal development for over thirty years. She began studying, applying and teaching on high performance issues as a teenager while she was named to “Who’s Who Among American High School Students.” (1984,1985) When she was not speaking or training as a competitive athlete, she was honing her sales skills at a specialty menswear boutique where she was a top performer. She even gave her first paid speech at 16 year old.
After attending Northwest University in Kirkland, WA, and Rhema Bible College in Oklahoma, she became a licensed minister, and continued her quest to empower people around the globe. She has delivered hundreds of messages to enthusiastic audiences in the USA and abroad.
While traveling, speaking and ministering, Gina also had success in business and sales, representing designer retailers with accounts in Germany and later the USA.
After the birth of her four children, she decided to work from home, so she became an online stock trader, managing her own accounts. She quickly realized that a “mental mastery” program was imperative to successful trading, just as in sports or sales.
With that, Gina found herself coming full circle, back to the arena of success motivation, or more specifically – High Performance Coaching. She wrote the popular book, The Athlete’s Edge, which helps competitors overcome sports anxiety. Then she applied everything she knew about Winning to help couples overcome anxiety at home in their marriage.
Gina is certified in Strategic Intervention through Tony Robbins. This means she uses an accelerated, systemic process to help her clients overcome any challenge. Gina is also a practitioner of the energy therapy known as Emotional Freedom Technique. She teaches and coaches regularly on practical ways to play victoriously, whether your game is athletic, financial or personal.
As a speaker and as a coach, Gina’s trademarks are her sense of humor, her high energy level, and her passion for results. These are all are fueled by her unwavering belief in her clients and their Creator.
Gina is available for group workshops, keynote addresses, and one- on- one coaching commitments.
Click here to Check for Availability for your event.
Phone: 615.435.9630
Or by email: Gina@GinaParris.com
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