Remember when teachers used to take attendance verbally at the beginning of class? I clearly recall the first day of my sophomore year at North Central High School in Spokane, Washington. As the veteran teacher, Mr. Hopkins, recited the names on the roll, students slouched in their seats and mumbled their replies:
Then he got to the “F’s” and I knew I was next. I was curious how he would say my Italian last name. Nobody ever pronounced it correctly. It should sound like “Fra-JAIR-ee”
“Gina…,” He said, pausing over the next syllables. Then as if he’d been an old family friend, “…Frigeri” He looked up with a question mark.
Breaking the norm of mumbled responses, I sat up and exclaimed,
“You pronounced my name perfectly! High five to you! And I am PRESENT!”
He smiled for just a moment, but I became his favorite student that day.
Are You Present?
What about you, right now – are you present?
Embracing your presence brings you favor.
Embracing the present brings you peace.
Playing in the present is the only way to win.
Here’s some keys to living in the moment and enjoying the present.
1. Take a deep breath and focus on your breathing. Check in with your body. Are you alive? Then that’s a good day.
2. Really notice everything you can take in with your senses.
3. Ask yourself, “Why do I love it here?’
Your first response might be to think,
“I don’t love it here, that’s why I’m halfway checked out.”
But in reality, the more present you become, the more magic you find in the mundane.
Here’s a tip:
When you are with other people, be all the way present. You may be shocked at how much your full attention makes an impact on someone – even if you only see them for a few moments.
The secret to living really is giving. You can give of yourself just by being fully present.
That way, whatever you are doing – it is a gift.
The way you play your sport, the way you study at school, the way you tend to your work. If you do it all with your whole heart, then you are giving OF yourself.
This is just as valid as giving TO a cause, because it’s from a generous heart.
We inspire others by living and playing all out.
That is a gift, and it only happens by embracing the present moment.
Are you present? Yes, I believe you are.
Now, go play!
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