Peak performance comes when we understand our own strengths evenwhen they come with built-in weaknesses. For those who value Fun, here is your assignment to keep you strong when it isn’t FUN anymore.
Peak performance comes when we understand our own strengths evenwhen they come with built-in weaknesses. For those who value Fun, here is your assignment to keep you strong when it isn’t FUN anymore.
Fear of Failure is never really about what it appears. If you value security, than you will be empowered by changing the way you approach fear.
Take a tip from one of my mentors, John DiLemme and Reinforce the fact that you were BORN to win! Get out that birth certificate. I am here in your corner. Are you ready to step into your destiny? You had to LEARN doubt and fear. Come now – play hard. If you can’t see […]
If you are ever tempted to look around you and feel discouraged, than take heart. Things are NOT always as they appear. Overcome adversity and fear by refusing to quit. We’ve all heard the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” However, THAT IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM right now!
Is it PASSION or FEAR? Some people need help discerning what lies beneath their fears. Are you truly motivated by passion for that thing you spend hours on, or is it something else?