7 C’s to Completion for a Strong Finish

by Gina Parris

How are you coming with your goal setting and achievement? Are you living the life of your dreams, or do you set new goals only to fall back into old habits?

You CAN change! You can overcome any setback and finish stronger than you started.

You just need a few attributes and actions. I call them the 7 C’s of Completion for a Strong Finish:

1. Clarity

When we clearly see the invisible, we courageously do the impossible.

When our vision gets blurry, it’s easy to lose our way. That’s why it’s vital to keep the vision in front of you. Michael Phelps wrote his goals on an index card that he kept by his bed and he referred to it every night and every morning. His vision was clear, which is why he said he accomplished, “Pretty much all of them,” when asked.

We must be clear on where we are going, and what daily actions will get us there. Then do the work.

Are you goals committed to paper where you see them often? Are you clear on the person you must become to attract all that you desire?

2. Compensation

Compensation – something that counterbalances or makes up for an undesirable or unwanted state of affairs

In the words of Napoleon Hill, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”


After you gain clarity on who you want to be, where you want to go, and what you want to achieve, you begin to see your weaknesses. Or you feel the pressure of your current situation. Instead of looking at the heartache or hardship, look for the compensation and capitalize on it!

3. Conation

Conation – a craving to act purposefully.

When you have conation, you have the drive to say, ‘I’ve got something. I’m going somewhere and things change when I get there.”

What is the most compelling force for developing conation? Love.

“For the love of Christ compels us, because we are convinced…” 2 Cor 5:14

When you have conation you learn to win when you want to quit.

4. Congruence

Congruence means that you are free from internal conflict.

You’re aligned on the inside and the outside so that you thoughts, mental images and desires agree instead of clash. When we find ourselves saying we want one thing, but sabotaging our own success, it’s because we lack inner congruence.

Ultimately we act according to the way we see ourselves.

Your most powerful weapon for congruence then, is to see yourself as the winner you were created to be.

5. Company

We become like the company we keep. Or as the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together.”

More precisely as my dad used to tell me “If jyou want to soar with the eagles, you can’t peck around with the chickens.”

Surround yourself with people who support your dreams, who have succeeded where you want to go.

Company also includes those who influence you through their media: This would be through what you read, what you listen to, what you watch on TV, movies and on the internet. Choose who gets to influence you.

6. Comfort

Let’s face it. Growing and moving forward involves change, and change is uncomfortable -even when it’s good!

To finish strong we must be able to find comfort when things are painful. So often we choose comforts that derail our efforts, instead of comfort that keeps us on track.

Reward your small victories in ways that move you forward. And as cheesy as it sounds, get comfortable with being uncomfortable.


7. Consistency

“Ordinary actions, when repeated consistently, produce extraordinary outcomes.”

Consistency is where the could-have-beens fell down. How many frustrations have we created for ourselves because we simply quit too soon?

It’s not time for frustration. It’s time for a strong finish! Just keep going.

All you need to do right now is take the next step.


If you take the steps above, you will find yourself scaling the mountain, crossing the finish line or reaching your goal. The magic is in acting as if you’ve already done it. Feel the joy. Then enjoy the journey.

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